The Fine Print

I will use this area to review and discuss important strategies and tips/tricks to implement when raising an Icelandic Sheepdog. The information here comes from my personal experiences raising my own dogs, speaking with other breeders/trainers, and in raising my litters.

Laying a Solid Foundation
Kayla Stilger Kayla Stilger

Laying a Solid Foundation

The foundation skills you teach your puppy are vital for encouraging them to grow into an adult dog you enjoy. The most important part of raising your puppy is to remember to be proactive. Puppies are sponges for new information. They are open to whatever you hope to teach them, and being cognizant of how intelligent they are really is essential for tapping into their potential. 

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The Ethical Breeder
Kayla Stilger Kayla Stilger

The Ethical Breeder

As breeders we do our best to make educated decisions with the best outcome in mind, but when dealing with living, breathing things we do not actually have full control of the outcome.  Getting ANY dog is a gamble but choosing an ethical breeder and purebred dog is effectively stacking the deck in your favor - we hope for healthy dogs for years to come, with predictable temperament and structure/type.

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My Confident Puppy is Cowering
Kayla Stilger Kayla Stilger

My Confident Puppy is Cowering

Fear periods do not affect every puppy, but they can be intense moments that alter the emotional state, making them much more vulnerable. Not everything is something we have to push through and it’s okay to just step back and remove some of the pressure from our puppies and ourselves and let time do its job. Fear periods are a normal part of development, and we can help our puppies through them by just giving them a little space to keep growing up.

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Your New Icie Puppy
Kayla Stilger Kayla Stilger

Your New Icie Puppy

Foster your bond with your new puppy by rewarding them often, playing and adventuring together, and just hanging out. Remember that not everything has to be a structured training session and sometimes it’s even more beneficial to spend time doing nothing but enjoying each other’s company.

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